From Devonport to Wynyard

Providing safe transport for your child across the North West

About a person or team

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North West Christian School has three private buses and a school van, which provide transport to and from school. Students also have the opportunity of travelling on Metro and other Government contracted buses.

We are always available to discuss any specific needs a student or family may have. Please note not all requests will be able to be implemented.
Our buses cover:

  • Devonport/Ulverstone

  • Burnie

  • Wynyard/Somerset/Cooee through to Sulphur Creek/Riana and the Local Penguin area.

Students who travel by bus are expected to abide by the Code of Behaviour that is reviewed at the start of the year with the students.

If your child/ren wish to apply for bus pick up/drop off services to and from school, please contact our school office.

Private School Bus Timetable

Code of Behaviour


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